Thank you Ravya for writing. And not just “writing about” but sharing your depths with us… The quote that the other person called out from your writing reminds me of a quote, I come back to From Vijay Gupta. He is the founder of “Street Symphony” where they play music not for, but with the people of Skid Row and Los Angeles. I heard him speak at a conference on mass incarceration. He said, “we ostracize and criminalize and exile the most fragile and vulnerable people in our society, because we ostracize and criminalize and exile the most fragile and vulnerable parts of ourselves. “
I am deeply moved that ‘the division inside of me causes me to create divisions outside of me,’ and for the invitation to ‘not to hold one side or the other, but to grow the capacity to hold the chasm itself.’ Your writing is healing me, Ravya.
Thank you Ravya for writing. And not just “writing about” but sharing your depths with us… The quote that the other person called out from your writing reminds me of a quote, I come back to From Vijay Gupta. He is the founder of “Street Symphony” where they play music not for, but with the people of Skid Row and Los Angeles. I heard him speak at a conference on mass incarceration. He said, “we ostracize and criminalize and exile the most fragile and vulnerable people in our society, because we ostracize and criminalize and exile the most fragile and vulnerable parts of ourselves. “
I am deeply moved that ‘the division inside of me causes me to create divisions outside of me,’ and for the invitation to ‘not to hold one side or the other, but to grow the capacity to hold the chasm itself.’ Your writing is healing me, Ravya.